Welcome to Grumpy Pants Plants!
We strive to make our community a better place by providing sustainable local produce and quality edible plants. We favor unique and/or heirloom varieties, but grow some current favorites too. Our products are grown without synthetic pesticides or herbicides. Have questions about or products or growing processes? Just ask!
Here to learn about planting PURPLE PASSION ASPARAGUS? Click here: HOW TO GROW ASPARAGUS
Upcoming Offerings
This season we plan to offer the following on our roadside stand and at local farmer’s markets: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, green beans, potatoes, apples, melons, and pumpkins, of course. A few surprises may pop up here and there as well. We hope you’ll stop back again soon!

Longer-Term Projects
In addition to continuing to improve and expand our fruit and vegetable stand, we currently have two longer-term goals for our acreage.
Heirloom Apple Project
The state of Iowa has a rich apple-growing heritage. For example, did you know that Iowa was once the sixth largest apple-producing state in the US? Or that the popular Red Delicious apple was discovered in Iowa? Of the thousands of named varieties, many apples of the past are now forgotten or rare. Within the next five years, we strive to produce excellent, flavorful heirloom apples that will leave you wanting more. Click here to learn more about our current apple varieties.
Turmeric & Subtropical Plant Production
Grumpy Pants Plants specialized in rare and unique turmeric varieties in our Florida nursery, and we are preparing to ramp up production of turmeric upon the construction of our geothermal greenhouse. In addition, we plan to offer Iowa-grown avocados, bananas, citrus, and dragon fruit. Once greenhouse conditions are favorable, meaning we’ve figured out how to keep the environment just right, we’ll attempt production of some of our other Florida favorites- cinnamon, vanilla beans, and chocolate!

Explore Grumpy Pants Plants
Want to peruse our site a bit or learn more about us? Here are two of our most popular posts to date:
Make Your Own Ginger Supplements
Growing Oyster Mushrooms in Jars
Thank you for supporting our small family farm!
Want to reach out for any reason? CONTACT GRUMPY PANTS PLANTS