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About us

The Grumpy Plants Story

Plants have always held a special place in my heart, thanks to fond memories of gardening with my father. I can vividly recall the excitement of harvesting and savoring fresh vegetables in the bountiful fall season. The taste of sweet corn, green beans, and tomatoes still lingers in my mind. However, as a young adult, I frequently moved, preventing me from establishing a thriving plant collection. I dabbled in gardening here and there but had to abandon my efforts whenever I relocated.

When Mr. Grump and I finally settled in Florida, I was thrilled at the prospect of having a permanent garden and expanding my plant collection. However, I quickly realized that gardening in Central Florida presented unique challenges compared to other regions. My initial attempt at growing tomatoes and cucumbers in the scorching summer heat ended in disappointment. It was then that I discovered the necessity of adapting and planting heat-resistant fruits and vegetables.

The abundance of subtropical and tropical edible plants in Florida intrigued me. I developed a deep fascination with chocolate, vanilla, turmeric, and bananas as my first favorites. Yet, I found that my research often fell short in answering my questions about these unique plants. It was at this point that Mr. Grump suggested I start a blog to help fellow Southern gardeners who might have similar queries. Although I initially laughed off the idea, little did I know that a serendipitous moment would change the course of our lives.

Our Blog Beginnings

During one of our thrift store adventures, Mr. Grump stumbled upon a cotton dress adorned with a whimsical banana design. Jokingly, he urged me to try it on, and as I expected, it looked absolutely ridiculous. The subsequent photos of me, wearing the goofy banana dress and exuding an exasperated expression, became the catalyst for our website. It was then that Grumpy Pants Plants was born, with that image serving as our beloved mascot.

Our blog encompasses a variety of topics related to the joys of gardening in the Southern and Midwest regions. As previously mentioned, we resided in Central Florida (zone 9B) and specialized in growing (and occasionally unintentionally killing) subtropical and tropical plants. Currently, we find ourselves in Northwest Iowa (zone 4B), expanding our operations to include cold-hardy plants. The blog features invaluable garden tips, money-saving ideas, and mouth-watering recipes utilizing plants from the garden or lawn. We invite you to join us on our adventurous journey as we navigate the art of plant parenting.