There are many reasons to make garden-fresh enchiladas. Perhaps you have been working on adding more vegetables to your diet. Maybe you have a garden that has been producing too much zucchini and you need a new way to use it. No matter what your reason, I highly recommend this recipe. It is one of Mr. Grump’s and I’s favorites, no matter the season.
Before we started growing our own mushrooms, we used regular button mushrooms from the grocery store. These work well. If you are looking for a new flavor adventure, we recommend using baby bellas or oyster mushrooms. We will be selling both this spring/summer; please reach out if you are interested. Our contact info is at the bottom of this post.
Recipe: Garden-Fresh Enchiladas
Prep & Cook Time: 45 min
Serves 4

- 1 c mushrooms, sliced
- 1 c zucchini, chopped
- 1 c broccoli, chopped
- 1 c carrots, chopped
- ½ c corn
- 2 Tbsp olive oil
- Pinch of garlic salt
- 6 c potatoes, diced
- 1 c almond milk (can substitute dairy milk)
- 10 6-inch flour tortillas
- 2 10-oz cans enchilada sauce

- Combine mushrooms, corn, zucchini, broccoli, & carrots in a mixing bowl. Add olive oil and stir to coat the vegetables.
- Spray cooking spray on a large baking sheet and spread the veggies evenly on it.
- Sprinkle veggies with garlic salt, then bake in oven for 18 min at 400 degrees, or until veggies are lightly browned. Remove from oven.
- Boil potato cubes in salted water until tender. Then drain and mash them.
- Stir in milk, then add the roasted veggies.
- Dip tortillas in enchilada sauce, add veggie filling, & roll up. Place in large baking dish. Pour any extra enchilada sauce over the top.
- Bake at 375 degrees for 20 minutes, then serve.

If you’d like to make garden-fresh enchiladas with any of our fresh produce, you can find us at the Orange City, IA farmer’s market this summer (2023). We plan to have fresh vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, and herbs available this season. We’ll also be selling extra produce at our road market stand in Alton. Feel free to reach out if you’re looking for anything in particular! We can be reached at [email protected].
Looking for more recipes using fresh veggies? Try these garlic veggies with rice!
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