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There are many reasons to make your own ginger supplements. This post will explain the why and the how of the process.

Why Take Ginger Supplements?

Here are some potential benefits of ginger, according to peer-reviewed research:

Please note: this page is not intended to substitute for advice from your medical team. If you take other medications, it is wise to speak with your health care provider to discuss potential interactions before starting a new supplement.

Needed supplies

Ginger powder– This can be purchased at almost any grocery story in the spice section. Make sure ginger is the only ingredient, or your capsules will be less potent than you expect. You will want about 2 ounces of ginger power for each 100 capsules you plan to make. This will give you capsules with approximately 550 mg of ginger powder. Alternately, you can dry your own powder from fresh ginger. Be watching for a post on how to do this shortly.

Capsules– These come in several sizes, to include 1, 0, and 00. I typically use 00 as they can fit more medicinal herbs/spices inside than the smaller capsules. You can purchase these at local health food stores, or online. Be aware that they are sold in vegetarian and gelatin formulations; choose the option that best suits your needs. Also be aware that you can purchase them whole or separated. Although the pre-separated capsules will save you a bit of time, they also cost more.

Capsule Maker– Although some people fill their capsules with a small spoon and tamper individually, I highly recommend purchasing a device to help you with this. The two capsule filling devices I have used and can recommend are the following: The Capsule Machine and the Capsule-IT Capsule Filler. For information on the pros and cons of each of these devices, click here. Be sure to purchase a device that fills the size of capsules you plan to use.

Making supplements

  1. Having all supplies set out on a table before you start will make this process a bit less messy. I recommend placing a towel or newspaper on your work surface for easy clean up.
  2. Following the instructions provided with your capsule maker, separate your capsules and place in the holes in the device. Make sure all are filled before adding the ginger power. Otherwise you will make quite the mess.
  3. Add ginger powder to your capsules and tamp down (using the tamper provided with your capsule filler) in order to compact the powder. You may need to do this several times to fill to maximum capacity. Alternately, you may measure out an exact amount of powder and add to each capsule individually.
  4. Press the top and bottom of your capsule filler together firmly.
  5. Remove capsules and store in an airtight container for storage.

That’s it! Making your own ginger supplements is easy. If you are also interested in making your own turmeric supplements, check out this post.

Want to buy our fresh produce? You can find us at the Orange City, IA farmer’s market this summer (2024). We plan to have fresh vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, and herbs available this season. We’ll also be selling extra produce at our road market stand in Alton. Feel free to reach out if you’re looking for anything in particular! We can be reached at [email protected].

Have you found any other great uses for ginger? Feel free to comment below!

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